Exciting news! It’s time to start scouting for the new Executive Committee for UQMS, as well as our Management team, convenors, and representatives that make up our vibrant society!
Whether you’re looking to develop new skills, have a vision to enhance the student experience, or want to create lasting memories, this is the opportunity for you!

Roles to be elected/appointed:

How to Apply

Read through the position description documents for the role below.

Email the relevant nomination form and documents to secretary@uqms.org by October 23rd. 

Position Descriptions

Please email secretary@uqms.org for any position description you cannot find. 

Key Dates

Outcomes for the Management Committee, Convenor and Representative Elections will be emailed from: 

September 26th – Management Committee

September 26th – Elected Convenor Representative Roles

October 3rd – Appointed Convenor Representative Roles


How many positions can I nominate for?

As many as you like! 

How many positions can I hold?

Executive Committee members can hold no other position within the UQMS. You can hold a maximum of one position on the Management Committee. Further, Management Committee members can cannot concurrently hold any position that falls within their own portfolio (See UQMS By-Laws s16.6). On appointment to Management Committee, an individual will have have their nomination for any position that falls within their portfolio automatically revoked. 

Apart from the above, there is no limit on the number of Convenor and Representatives roles you may hold at one time.

When do I get to apply for all the other roles?

We have two major election periods; OGM and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) election period. The AGM sees the election and appointment of the UQMS Executive and Management Committee as well as most of our convenors and representatives for the next year. 

What’s the difference between an appointed role and elected role?

“Appointed roles” require you to fill out an application, which our marking committees assess based on your application and CV. On the other hand, for “elected roles,” all UQMS members vote in a ballot to choose the candidates. You can also campaign if you’re interested in running for an elected role.

I am not a member of UQMS. Can I still run?

Only UQMS Members are eligible to run for nomination (UQMS By-Laws s5.2). If you are unsure of your membership, please email secretary@uqms.org. To become a member click here. Please note your nominator and seconder should also be UQMS members!

Can I set up a Facebook page to campaign?

Yes, as long as you open it maximum of 48 hours before voting opens and it is not affiliated with any UQMS pages.  See the UQMS By-Laws s9 for more information. Please also see the UQMS Social Media Campaigning Policy, to ensure you are in compliance with election rules. If you, or anyone who posts on your Election Facebook Event/Page, is in breach of these rules you may be disqualified and removed from the electoral ballot. 


Can I run with my friends?

Some positions (e.g. May Ball, Trephine, Med Revue Convenors) are held by a group, and you are welcome to nominate with your friends (see Forms 2 and 4). However, individuals running for different UQMS roles held by one person may not run for a joint ticket and may not provide endorsements for one another. See UQMS By-Laws s5.7- 5.8 for more information. 

What is the “Re-open vote” option on the voting form?

This allows voters to call for nominations to be re-opened if they feel there is no suitable candidate for the position. If it is selected by at least 50%+1 of the voting members, nominations for that position will reopen and a second voting period will be organised to fill the position. See UQMS By-Laws s8.6 and 11.4 for more information.

How do I vote?

The electronic ballot will be sent to all UQMS members via email. There is also an opportunity for you to vote at the UQMS office and at OGM. 

I have more questions! 

Please email secretary@uqms.org for any enquires. 

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