Executive Committee Nominees
Introducing the prospective members of the 2025 UQMS Executive Committee! Delve into their exciting visions and ambitious goals for the upcoming year. Be on the lookout for the electronic ballot, set to be sent directly to all UQMS members on Wednesday, August 14th, at 6:30pm. This ballot will remain open until Monday, August 19th, 6:30pm. The much-anticipated announcement of the 2025 executive committee will take place at the UQMS annual general meeting on Wednesday, August 21st, at 6:30pm, located at the Mayne Medical Building. We kindly request all executive nominees to ensure their presence at this significant event.
Presidential Candidates
Elaine Zhong

What makes a good president? I believe it is when passion meets experience.
Hi friends! I’m running for UQMS President 2025. UQMS has a major impact on many of our lives, and I’m committed to continue enriching our MD journey through inclusion, advocacy, and academic support.
This year, I’ve had the privilege of being on the UQMS Management Committee as Affiliates Council Chair, gaining invaluable experience working alongside our Executives and collaborating with our wonderful societies.
As the Year 2 Rep (2024) and Year 1 Rep (2023), I deeply understand the challenges and opportunities we face within both the new and old MD curriculum. Most importantly, I bring the drive and passion that makes me suited to lead UQMS.
My vision as your 2025 President:
- Support UQMS Rural Arms and sites-more support for anatomy teaching, subsidised tickets for May Ball, Med Revue
- Self-care/wellbeing days for absence notification forms
- Revive UQMS merch (stylish hoodies, insulated keep-cups)
- Advocate to protect student autonomy in the attendance record
For our new MD program:
- Revamp year-level drives for new MD program (e.g. PLS Streams, OSCE resources, improve our Mock OSCEs)!
- Ensure that assessments and teaching are centralised across sites
Saravanan Somasundaram

Hi everyone!
I’m Saravanan, and it would be my honour and privilege to be your 2025 President. As 2024’s Social Officer, I’ve organised and managed our social events to ensure they are enjoyable and memorable for all of you. Additionally, my role as 2024 Ashintosh Treasurer has equipped me with the financial skills to optimise our spending and enhance your membership value.
My extensive involvement in UQMS, running events like Sports Day, May Ball, and Med Camp, gives me a unique understanding of how to improve our Society for 2025. These experiences, along with my organisation, efficiency, and communication skills, make me an ideal candidate for President.
Key areas I intend to address:
- Mental health days: guaranteed, unexplained days off placement/class, already implemented by other universities e.g. Melbourne and Griffith
- Increase rural & intersite engagement: more academic and social events for RCS to support the larger cohorts and encourage interconnection, since cohorts will be segregated to one clinical site for all years
- Expand sponsorship opportunities: allows for cheaper tickets, a better M-card, more freebies & discounts
- Improve academic resources and transparency around the new MD program
- Hold FOM accountable for their decisions and advocate for student interests in policy-making
Vice President Internal Candidates
Vishaak Gangasandra

G’Day, I’m Vishaak and to me, Med School is a family brought together for 4 years and which will stay together for many more due to the vibrant UQMS community. Having worked with this year’s Executive as the UQMS Defence Officer and APS Med Officer, being on the MedRevue Writing Team, running an Ashintosh fundraiser and wellbeing morning teas, and serving as a cohort representative (Advocacy Team), I have come to love every facet of UQMS. From social events to academic tutorials, I have been present at every portfolio that sits within the VP position.
More broadly, I have previously been the President of another UQ Postgraduate Society and have advocated for Med students on UQ’s Academic Board over the past 2 years. Through my diverse experiences, I would work to see the following:
- Secure up to $10,000 from the UQ Union for Medical students
- Establish stronger UQMS event support at Rural sites
- Host clinical site wellbeing morning teas
- Better engage next year’s First Years
- Bring back Sports to Sports Day
The UQMS community makes up the Med School experience we remember and I would love to shape a memorable year for all of us.
Kamien Lam

My name is Kamien and I am really excited to run for Vice President Internal. I have served a few roles under our internal portfolios (e.g., UQ Mind Symposium Convenor, Incision UQ Anatomy Officer and Med Revue Secretary) and would love to have the opportunity to work with the portfolio chairs next year to further develop and expand them. The experience that I’ve gained (including being the Year 2 Representative) has equipped me with the necessary skills to succeed in this role; such as communication, organization and adaptability. Additionally, I am prepared to dedicate the time and effort needed to not only fulfill my responsibilities but also go beyond what is required to enhance our student experience. Above all, I will strive to create a supportive environment so that every member within our medical society feels supported, valued, and empowered.
I look forward to serve you as your Vice President Internal.
Vice President External Candidates
Kethmi Perera

Hi! I’m Kethmi, and I am thrilled to put forward my candidacy for UQMS Vice-President External. With a rich background in leadership, I am prepared to drive impactful advocacy and manage our external relations effectively.
This year has showcased my ability to juggle significant roles. As the AMSA National Coordinator for the Vampire Cup 2024, I led a diverse team across Australian medical schools, ensuring cohesive action among all representatives. I liaise with Lifeblood, the Australian Government, sponsors, AMSA members, and other stakeholders to develop strategies for boosting blood, organ, and stem cell donation. My role involves extensive cross-communication, addressing improvement areas raised by volunteers, and channelling concerns to the right stakeholders for timely solutions. This includes resource creation, policy writing, brainstorming, and overcoming engagement challenges.
As 2024 Academic Vice President of SWIM, I manage academic events, coordinate with clinicians, and lead a team to address challenges collaboratively. Organising the 2024 Halfway Ball has further honed my event planning and teamwork skills.
My vision is to leverage my skills to enhance UQMS’s advocacy efforts, forge strong external partnerships, and support our internal leaders. Thank you for considering my nomination.
Vishaak Gangasandra

G’Day, I’m Vishaak and to me, Med School is a family brought together for 4 years and which will stay together for many more due to the vibrant UQMS community. Having worked with this year’s Executive as the UQMS Defence Officer and APS Med Officer, being on the MedRevue Writing Team, running an Ashintosh fundraiser and wellbeing morning teas, and serving as a cohort representative (Advocacy Team), I have come to love every facet of UQMS. From social events to academic tutorials, I have been present at every portfolio that sits within the VP position.
More broadly, I have previously been the President of another UQ Postgraduate Society and have advocated for Med students on UQ’s Academic Board over the past 2 years. Through my diverse experiences, I would work to see the following:
- Secure up to $10,000 from the UQ Union for Medical students
- Establish stronger UQMS event support at Rural sites
- Host clinical site wellbeing morning teas
- Better engage next year’s First Years
- Bring back Sports to Sports Day
The UQMS community makes up the Med School experience we remember and I would love to shape a memorable year for all of us.
Secretary Candidates
Derrick Ma

Hey everyone!
If you haven’t met me yet I’m Derrick, and I would be over the moon as your Secretary for 2025. If you have met me, you would know that I try my best to balance my life with a colour-coded calendar, a questionable amount of phone reminders, and a socially acceptable reply game. Keeping things organised is my current mantra, along with ‘delulu is the solulu’ (the duality of man). I am therefore well-equipped for the Secretary role, where I hope to show my commitment to UQMS, a community I know to be full of more than capable future leaders.
But it’s not about me. I know all we want is to just get through Med school, and I know that staying engaged with everything can be so overwhelming. My vision is to achieve a more vibrant campus culture as your Secretary. My ongoing engagement with UQMS and its affiliate clubs has provided me with liaising experience, along with understanding of the avenues where I can continue to channel my passions towards tangible improvements. I will make it my goal to ensure your voice is heard, your medical journey is smooth, and your dreams are realised.
Nancy Xu

Hi all! My name is Nancy, I’m currently in my second year, and I’ll be running for the position of Secretary in 2025. I think that UQMS plays such a huge role in our experience as medical students, and I am applying as I’d like to give back during my time here. As secretary, I’d want to ensure that communication is timely and effective and that everyone feels they have a place to voice their ideas. In overseeing the engagement and affiliate committees, I’d also like to expand on our merch options, and communications via social media, as well as build on our work with all the affiliate organizations. I believe that I would be a great fit for the role; I love to be organized with a good spreadsheet, a colour-coordinated Google calendar, and about 50 Muji gel pens. But more than that, I believe in the ability of UQMS to bring the student cohort together. Next year, I think that this can best be done by striving for a well-communicated and organized approach to every event, and I’d be thoroughly committed to making it happen. Thank you for your consideration!
This role has no candidates and will reopen for nominations from the floor during the Annual General Meeting. If you are interested in applying, please read the position description document here and be present at the Annual General Meeting.