Kahoot Challenge 4
Can you believe we’re already in second semester???
It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming you guys at O week, and now you’re over half way through your first year! Sounds like it’s time for another Kahoot Challenge This time we’ll be focusing on the musculoskeletal module (everyone’s favourite). As always, we’ll mainly be focusing on clinical reasoning, and yes of course prizes will be up for grabs!
When: Tue 27th July, 6pm
Where: Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, 23-101
Due to the technical issues running zoom + kahoot, this event will be IN PERSON ONLY.
The questions and answers with explanation will be provided after the event for anyone unable to make it. This will be our first kahoot challenge of Semester 2 so if you’re interested + available, please come along.
Please email phase1.academic@uqms.org if you have any questions/feedback before or after the event.
This event is proudly sponsored by Avant Mutual, Walsh’s + AMBOSS