Do you have any interest in any of these areas?
- Medical Schools and Medical Student Numbers
- Conscientious Objection and Access to Care
- Overseas Medical Placements
- Global Health and the Medical Curriculum
- Unemployment and Health
- Access to Safe Termination of Pregnancy
Then come along to AMSA Think Tank 1 and have a say on what you believe is important!
At THINK TANK, we discuss selected AMSA policies (list as above), which the UQ AMSA Rep will be voting on at Council 1. These policies will form the basis of the advocacy work that AMSA does in representing medical students. This is your chance to have your say in what you think are the most important things for AMSA to advocate on, on behalf of you! You don’t even need to talk. If you are interested in AMSA, come and find out more about what AMSA does with a chance to be inspired by people making a change.
Link to Policies HERE
Link to Zoom HEREÂ