2020 Intern Information Evening

Event Details
What’s that? You’d like to know how to apply to actually get an intern position in QLD Health next year? The QLD Department of Health, with the assistance of UQMS, is
Event Details
What’s that? You’d like to know how to apply to actually get an intern position in QLD Health next year?
The QLD Department of Health, with the assistance of UQMS, is running an Intern Allocations information session for all UQ final year medical students.
The session will run for approximately 2 hrs and will address the following:
– The QLD Government’s commitment to domestic graduates
– The online application process
– Allocation and selection processes Representatives from a number of individual QLD Hospital and Health Services will also provide information and will answer any hospital-specific questions you may have.
Please note: If you have a question you would like addressed during the information session, please speak to your student representative, or email the Intern Campaign team at Intern-Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au to ensure they are included in the presentations.
The session will be recorded and distributed by the University.
Information regarding Queensland Health internships for 2020 can be found at: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/employment/work-for-us/clinical/medical/recruitment/intern
So, if you’re as keen as I am to have a job and a salary lined up for next year, make sure you head on over to the Herston Oral Health Centre on 16/04 to Room 0883-4311 at 6pm to get all the details.
(Tuesday) 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Room 0883-4311, Oral Health Centre, Herston